Recently I wanted to use GitVersion to determine the version number for a project. To keep the project self-contained I installed GitVersion as a .NET Local Tool. However, when trying to get the generated version numbers through FAKE it didn’t work.
Unfortunately, the current version of FAKE does not support running GitVersion as a dotnet tool. To bridge that gap I wrote the following FAKE script to get it to work.
// Dependencies are listed in build.fsx
// nuget Fake.DotNet.Cli
// nuget Fake.Tools.GitVersion
#load "./.fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
open Fake.Core
open Fake.DotNet
open Newtonsoft.Json
let run () =
let proc = Command.RawCommand("gitversion", Arguments.Empty)
|> CreateProcess.fromCommand
|> CreateProcess.withToolType (ToolType.CreateLocalTool())
|> CreateProcess.redirectOutput
if proc.ExitCode <> 0 then
failwithf "GitVersion failed with exit code %i and message %s" proc.ExitCode proc.Result.Output
|> fun j -> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Fake.Tools.GitVersion.GitVersionProperties>(j)
I put this script next to the build.fsx
script I already had, and named it gitVersion.fsx
(note the capitalization).
To include the script in my build script I added a reference like this:
#load "./gitVersion.fsx"
and added the dependencies to the #r
Then I could call it using
like so:
let getVersion() =
let gitVersionInfo =
{ VersionPrefix = gitVersionInfo.MajorMinorPatch
VersionSuffix = gitVersionInfo.PreReleaseTag }
I hope this helps someone trying to do the same.
Update 16-07-2020: Added how to load script in main build script